Discord Message from snowfox102 on 9/20/2018 @ 4:07:44 PM
In TexTools Official Discord -> #sfw_other_releases [Discord Web-App Link]
This post is associated with the mod Frostmourne Claymore.
◾ Name: Frostmourne Claymore Ver.: 1
▪ Author: User Link
▪ Tags: Frostmourne, WoW, Warcraft, DRK, sword, steel claymore
▪ Replaces: Steel Claymore
▪ Comments: A friend asked me to do this. I never really played WoW so I don't really understand why all my friends giggled maniacly when I gave them this mod.
Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/jn2hkjwk2nbvo5j/Frostmourne.ttmp?dl=0
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