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Square Enix for the /lophop dance
Author's Comments:
For those of us who may have the /lophop dance, but are tired of sitting through the whole animation to get here. Or maybe you don't have the dance but still get annoyed when you have to look up the animation through Brio/Ktisis and have to wait through the animation like the rest of us. Regardless, here's just the pose for a quick load!
Includes one pose file for all genders and races (Lalafell is unisex) plus Highlander, for a total of 16 poses. Technically the base body bones are pretty uniform across Midlander bodies but every race has subtle expression changes that looked a little off when used on another race - like using the female Miqo'te expression on female Roegadyn pursed the lips and the eyelids didn't quite line up properly. So I ended up grabbing the individual poses for all the races! Enjoy!
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