Contributor Information:
— SE for the vanilla assets
Author's Comments:
···· INFO ····
i think all i do now is add flowers and leaves to weapons i like!!! this one might be a bit weird??? but i like it
gear used for mashup: cryptlurker's guillotine, bunny's crescent, ingrimm
— dyeable, but as always I recommend to play around with coloursets to your liking!! unused colourset slots are bright green for easier editing
— expect clipping, gaps and some general wonkiness. be careful in extreme poses!
···· DYE CHANNELS ····
2 dye compatible!!
[dye 1 = flower insides] [dye 2 = sword wrappings/bandages, this dyes in the lighter version of your chosen dye]
···· REPLACES ····
augmented cryptlurker's guillotine
SE for the vanilla assets
please feel free to contact me on discord @gaelicat_ if there are any issues!
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