Contributor Information:
Tsar for TBSE Body!
Illyriana for the Bibo+ Body!
Author's Comments:
★ Fully Blacked Out Body Tattoo for Most Males and Females ★
☆ Needs Black Neck Tattoo, will have line around neck if don't ☆
If people want an version that doesn't require a black neck, lmk!
◆ Is a .pmp for penumbra! ◆
All pngs can be found in adv. editing textures!
♂ Midlander, Highlander, Elezen, Miqo'te, Au ra, Viera
♀ Midlander, Highlander, Elezen, Miqo'te, Au Ra, Viera
× Lalafell, Hrothgar, Roegadyn
For Au Ra, No scales was added or edited just painted over the skin. scales just comes out as black!
Any issues or assistance with mod, contact me on Disocrd @Unieke!
♥ Am very new at making/editing mods so be nice ♥
Allow to do whatever you want with it, its was made with Bibo+ Body and TBSE body and black paint!
◎ Give credit to me if want to, i don't care! but make sure give credit to Illyriana and Tsar for the bodies ◎
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