Contributor Information:
Mimi for original mod
Nagi for OffShoulder Sweater (TB2.0)
Qadan for TBSE-Q
Author's Comments:
An older mod from Mimi I use to love this mod back when i was a petite miqo'te, I felt it appropriate to refit it to the TBSE-Q body I have also edited its materials in an effort to add some customizability to this wonderful outfit.
-Applied the 2 Dye system to the outfit
- Edited the Materials in order to offer 2 additional fabric patterns
Thing to note:
This is my first ever refit and I have spent a considerable amount of time trying to make this outfit as free of clipping as possible, but it is still possible that I missed or wasn't able to fix something. From personal testing there was no clipping until extreme poses.
widened the bottom of the outfit more than the original in order to try and prevent clipping around the waist area.
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