Author's Comments:
-[ Information ]-
Impress your friends in cyphers or at parties with the first pose pack I made because of the lack of breaking poses. Available for all races with small changes to Lala, Hroth M, Aura M and Roe M. Works with Ktisis. Poses might clip depending on your glam. Might need some slight height adjustments depending on race.
-[ Q&A ]-
* The arm looks broken in the pose.
-> I don't see you breaking it down on the floor.
* What are the small changes?
-> Lala's legs too short, Hroth M, Aura M, Roe M legs too big. Legs don't cross
-[ Usage ]-
- Use for gposes
Do not rename, claim or try this move irl (if you have never done breaking before)
Primary File or Link:
Breaking Airchair Freeze - Iced latte & : [ via
Direct Download ]
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