Author's Comments:
Something I've been working on extensively for the past while. A comprehensive remapping of the textures from the Drowned pirates in Sastasha (Hard) onto Male Midlander body, including their signature head and chest. Extremely unfinished, but it's Halloween, so why not let folks use it now? Includes a full texture rebake, so all vanilla gear showing skin will show the squiddy flesh exposed.
I've included a few vanilla coats edited to showcase the chest, in the future these will likely be split off onto a separate mod or a toggle for modularity.
This beta version DOES NOT support TBSE - keep that in mind. The finished version will, the compatibility just isn't finished yet. Will likely also try to support female and other races but we ain't there yet.
Some other notes to keep in mind:
Non-vanilla model skin color row: 8B
Recommended hat to hide hair: Emperor's New Hat
Recommended hair to hide fringe: m mid 5
vanilla model skin color affected by character skin color: apply the color #9A9A9A to skin under Advanced Customization in Glamourer in order to match vanilla gear skin to the torso and head.
Finished version will have actual options and toggles, but I didn't have time to set them up all nicelike tonight, so what you see is what you get. Hopefully I'll be able to give it a proper update soon :)
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