"Times were good, she never thought about her future. She just did what she would, although she really cared about her music. It all seemed so important then"
MAKEUP RELEASE 001 - Nobility
Based off of: Runa Vanilla's Elys
This was made on and works best on Viera Face 3/103, though it will work for other tall female races, except Au Ra (unless they're scaleless), and Hrothgar.
This file contains the loose file only. Please follow the following guide on how to set this up on Penumbra:
https://reniguide.carrd.co/#loosefilesThank you!!!
Yuria for the 2k face diffuse resource
K E N for making such a good hairstyle <3
Runa Vanilla for the Elys Sculpt
- Do not use this makeup on any paid releases.
- Editing this makeup is allowed as long as credit is given to me for the original.