The Offseason Stockier Dalmascan Draped Set

Version: 2.1

Contributor Information:

tsar for the hrbody

Author's Comments:

The greatest thing about the Dalmascan clothing is how they are loose-fitting, a feature particularly suited for hot and humid climes. It also means that little adjustments are needed to fit the now-larger WoL/D. These bold designs will continue to turn the eyes of the crowd, and turn the unwary into admirers!

v2.0 update: Bottom now uses the v3.0 stockier legs model.
v2.1 update: File includes only the item models. Install the original v1.0 for the texture of your choice then override the models with this file.

Installation Notes: 3 options are available; install only one of them:
- Linen - non-translucent cloth, similar to the original cloths.
- Heavy silk - low transparency cloth, use this if you want "some" form of modesty.
- Light silk - high transparency cloth, for the truly brave and adventurous.

Note: The Dalmascan Draped pieces have been modified to have stockier, thicker legs. I have included the body armor in the installation file as well - for those who installed the non-stocky version already, you can safely overwrite with this one.
Note 2: Clipping should be expected in some poses.
Note 3: Gear affects Hrothgars as well but size proportions will be different due to in-game racial scaling - Hrothgars will see less gains :(

Primary File or Link:

v2.1 Models only : [ via ]

Other Files and Links:


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Last Version Update :
Sun Dec 04 2022 00:15:56 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Original Release Date :
Sun May 17 2020 09:31:33 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

Affects / Replaces :
Dalmascan Draped Top, Dalmascan Draped Bottoms

Races :
Genders :
Tags :
gear, hrbody,

Posted In :
Mods for Men
  - nsfw-clothing-mods

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