Persona Sound Effects for Astro

Version: 0.5

  Other by arcoy9969

Contributor Information:

Thanks goaaats for his version of the file explorer.

Author's Comments:

I'm getting some real persona vibes from this Astrologian job.

Replaces the draw SFX with the P4 shuffle time start and the persona get sound.
Replaces the play effects for all card types (Did you know each card has a unique play sound?) to a good ol' persona summon.

Preview it here:

This thing has some known issues so it's still version 0.5
The volume of these SFX are tied to the game's music volume - muting the music causes them to go away entirely.
Drawing then instantly playing a card will cause the first SFX to clip. Both will not play at the same time.
Sometimes, for reasons I can't quite explain, they just stop working for a little bit.
If anyone knows what the hell Squeenix is doing with their sound files, please let me know.

Primary File or Link:

Persona Sound Effects for Astro.ttmp2 : [ via Direct Download ]

Other Files and Links:


loading spinner Loading Mod History...

👀 11.9K
💾 1.6K
📌 32

Last Version Update :
Wed Nov 10 2021 20:50:28 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Original Release Date :
Wed Nov 10 2021 20:32:43 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

Affects / Replaces :
Draw and Play SFX

Races :
Genders :

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