ATTEMPTED TO UPDATE FOR DAWNTRAIL Please use the _dt file for textools: Vermilion Cloak (Hood Down)_dt.ttmp2
ONLY WORKS FOR: Male Au Ra Male Miqo'te Male Hyur Male Viera Hair will displayed for all characters and will result in clipping for female characters or races not supported. I can update the other models if desired! Just contact me to request it and I'll get to it...eventually.
Author's Comments:
This is a mesh edit in which I pulled the hood down. It's a little funky but it's good enough. I barely know what I'm doing. Sorry if this breaks other mods. It shouldn't though! You can edit this mod or use it as a base for other mods, idc!
INCLUDED: .ttmp2 file is for use with TexTools .pmp file is for use with Penumbra, which requires XIVLauncher. ( .fbx of the edited model for anyone who wants to tweak it further, or slap the new hood onto other races or gender's models for the cloak.