Paid commission that my client was generous enough to allow me to share.
These are Gen3/Bibo+ Tattoos based off the semi visible tattoos from the Pagos/Arachne tops. Tattoo is completely hand drawn using the original SE assets as the base.
There are some know issues, as the skin was originally made for Gen 3's UV. Which means for Bibo+ it is a little scrunchy, I am releasing it as is, as the client was happy with the results. Edit: I might come back and fix the scrunchiness
Download will contain the raw transparent PNGs, PNGs of Bibo+ Smooth Diffuses with the tattoo, as well as, a convenient ttmp2 file so you can install and go.
You may use these tattoos as you please, just please do not resale or use in paid commissions.
This Mod Includes ⋆ttmp2 file ⋆PNGs of the diffuse as well as transparent ones for your own customisation!