Contributor Information:
A big thank you to Cereus for answering the many, many questions I have and for fixing the normals!
Author's Comments:
DT Updated
A vanilla mashup of Hannish Wool Autumn Shirt, Gaia's Attire, Thavnairian Wool Autumn Dress and Majestic Dress to create a simple, but elegant dress for lalafells.
Replaces Thavnairian Wool Autumn Dress for both male and female lalafell.
The sleeves are jank due to my lack of knowledge in rigging. Unfortunately, I am not big brain enough to fix it.
DT Update note/s:
Two different dyeable versions
- Cravat is now dyeable
- Shirt is now dyeable
My mod is only for adult lalafells. If your lalafell is presented as a minor, please do not use my mod.
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