Alternate ROG/NIN Weapon Stow Location (Lower Back)

Version: 1.0

  Other by tsukidal

Contributor Information:

0ceal0t for VFXEditor

Author's Comments:

A simple mod that changes the location of sheathed ROG/NIN weapons to the lower back, similar to where real-life samurai often used to stow their wakizashi. Unfortunately, due to the nature of daggers in this game, they have no sheaths and are just mirrored on your character's body, so there's going to be uncovered blades and notable clipping in the weapons' center. But what's FFXIV gear without some major clipping issues for the sake of fashion?

The daggers on each race/gender have customized angles and positioning that facilitate minimal clipping in MOST standing and /groundsit cpose animations across all races and genders, which is far more than I expected to achieve considering I wanted this only for gposing myself while wearing a coat at first. Also the positioning is intended to very rarely clip with tails if ever.

DISCLAIMER: Due to the nature of the filetype this changes, this is not compatible with other mods that change where weapons belong. Long story short, the only way to use two at once is manually making a new file that contains the values from both mods.

Primary File or Link:

NIN - Stowed on Lower Back.ttmp2 : [ via Direct Download ]

Other Files and Links:


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👀 3.3K
💾 697
📌 7

Last Version Update :
Tue Nov 28 2023 18:14:18 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Original Release Date :
Tue Nov 28 2023 16:26:14 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

Affects / Replaces :

Genders :

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