the scaleless male au ra framework

Version: 5.0.0

  Face by delta.

Contributor Information:

tzarev for the body se.
red for ftmse.
SE for original assets.
Yuria for their 2k face diffuses, and for the neck connector fix.
Major Praline for chocochomps.

Author's Comments:

since some of you well and truly do not like to give people common courtesy when asked for some basic reading comprehension, i'm going to put this here so you can't say "i didn't see it." YOU ARE NOT TO USE THIS FRAMEWORK FOR PAYWALLED, VAULTED, SERVER EXCLUSIVE, OR EARLY ACCESS CONTENT, BE IT SCULPTS, MAKEUP, OR TATTOOS. EVERYTHING YOU MAKE WITH THIS RESOURCE, IF MADE PUBLIC, MUST BE FREE. PERIOD.

anyway, for the people with a lick of decency, hi! i made some more progress on this. so much so, actually, that the files have to be hosted on heliosphere instead of directly on xma, due to size limitations. which is better for yall anyway - go get this there so you can auto-hook into updates. :3 (or the ol' reliable google drive, i won't stop you.)

this update includes the following:
- proper support for FTMSE and body hair textures have been added. i had to split the textures into two separate installers to save space. base TBSE users can pick whichever without issue, but if you are using FTMSE, please make sure that your texture pick matches your bottoms option, or shit will look very weird very quickly. the devkit does not fully reflect this (yet!), but if you need them right away, you can pull them from penumbra for now. 👍
- Yuria's neck connector fix is now properly baked into the texture installs, so everyone tell yuria thank you, because these necks were driving me up a goddamn wall. if they still aren't working i will actually just scream into the void.
- im aware parts of this mod, particularly the sculpts, will likely break for 7.1. if they do, i will do my best to fix them and address any issues that arise. for now, i do NOT intend to fix the subsurface patch for au ra horns, as i like them the way they are now. i also do not intend to patch in any potential shapekey changes unless the difference is drastic. (please don't do that to me SE. i will cry.)
- i am considering an asymmetrical framework patch for the sculpts, assuming there is a desire for it. that will come after 7.1.
- i realize i neglected to mention this, and that's entirely my bad, but this mod DOES NOT come with a tail remover. you will have to find a separate one for that.

as before, horns are on facial feature 3 for toggling on/off. chocochomps are present. shapekeys and all other toggles are vanilla. the google drive devkit comes with a .blend file for altering teeth shapekeys.
sculpts are tested and verified working with the most recent versions of scales+, dragonborn, and devil's backbone.

this resource was initially designed to be for creators first, as i wanted to make modding male au ra easier. this update still encapsulates that (hopefully) while giving end users of the mods much more flexibility and freedom of expression.
for creators, the devkit can be found here:

the full list of my permissions is on my carrd (link is on my xma page and under my username). if you plan on creating with this, please read them as well.
as always, thank you for reading, and take care.

Primary File or Link:

Download (Heliosphere) : [ via ]

Other Files and Links:


loading spinner Loading Mod History...

👀 16.4K
💾 468
📌 42

Last Version Update :
Fri Nov 08 2024 19:05:32 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Original Release Date :
Tue Jan 23 2024 14:02:45 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

Contributors :
Major Praline

Affects / Replaces :
Face 1/101, Face 2/102, Face 3/103, Face 4/104, Skin

Races :
Au Ra
Genders :

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