A port and upscale of the Wayfarer's Fingerless Gloves to the Bibo+ hands.
- Includes nail options such as dyeable painted nails (that dye with the gloves), and Nanashi's Vanilla nail option, painted and unpainted.
- As always, clipping or wonkiness may occur especially in extreme poses (and some idles cos hands be wheee)
Any issues, please mention it in The Galleria discord in the #mod-helpdesk channel.
Feel free to use #fpmods on social media so I can see your pics!

Like my work? Feel free to send a ko-fi! (

Come hang out in the Galleria! (
https://discord.gg/ztjhFBV5jN) We have mods and poses for all genders, as well as some fun server exclusives!

General perms

- Don't claim my work as your own. That's stinky.
- Please contact me if you want to edit this upscale further and are going to publish publicly.
- Don't use my work in any paid commissions or work without explicit permission.
- Don't use my work for any Lala NSFW.