This mod pack contains 1 cropped shirt in black and replaces the Extreme Survival Shirt. (TBSE Q - Male Only)
I'm not saying it was ALIENS...BUT.....
Welcome to the ALIENS are REAL series! This is the tenth in line for ALIEN are REAL merchandise. Expect more to follow soon! Check out the discord if you want sneak peeks.
Soup of the Day - Orbit My Moon shaken and strained into a cinnamon sugar-rimmed cocktail glass, garnished with an orange twist.
Join me in sporting this ALIENS are REAL Meme shirt and I hope to see you all out there with me! #toxiclionssquad | #TLZFG | #ZFG - tag the squad and show me your smiles!
Primary File or Link:
Toxic Lions ALIENS are REAL Meme Shirt Series-Conspiracy Part 10.rar : [ via Direct Download ]