Author's Comments:
A quick(ish) edit to the diffuse texture of the Ultima Horns so that you can use Glamourer to "dye" them. Without Glamourer, this just makes the horns white and grey (upper left in preview image).
Edit the diffuse color on Row 8B to change the color. I think it looks best staying around the middle of the Saturation range, but I'm not your supervisor.
This does not change the model at all, so any mods that alter the model without altering textures should still work. For example, this works with Symmetrical Ultima Horns (linked) as long as you don't enable the texture edit.
There is a slight seam that was present in the original texture. I've managed to make it a little more flush, but I currently have no plans to try and perfectly eliminate it. It's most visible with bright saturated colors.
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