Imgur link to unspoilered image - gory, just vaguely unsettling, IMO.
There was a modder who made Burn Scars for Viera awhile back, and I loved them. I love customizing my toons with signs of the life she's had to live. However, when said author updated to DT, they didn't use DT textures at all. In my spiteful disappointment, I decided to completely remake the mod. More races may be made down the road.
You can use the burn maps however you want over custom sculpts or makeups, but unless they are ASYM, it won't work right. Luckily, it's pretty easy to asym textures.
Normals are set up as DDS, so that the transparency works right. If your character has lipstick on, it will discolor the whole normal. Which means you CAN use the lipstick color to control your scar coloring if you want, but your lips will match.