The Draconic Knight - DRK VFX Overhaul

Version: 1.0.1

Contributor Information:

Thank you to my followers for supporting me. It gave me the courage to create and publish this mod!
Thank you 0ceal0t for VFX Editor
And of course, thank you Dekken and 「XIV」Kozato for being an inspiration

Author's Comments:

The Draconic Knight - DRK VFX Overhaul
A personal VFX mod that aimed to enhance Dark Knight's base skill set, and adding a new twist to a handful of skills. Inspired by Dragon Age's Reaver, I sought to make Dark Knight have more oomph and sprinkle in a few dragon themed abilities. This is also meant to be my WoL's personal fighting style, hence why there are skills from Reaper and Gunbreaker involved. But if you don't care for certain skills like them, don't fret v1.0.1 adds in handy toggles to every single ability so you may enjoy the skills as you wish! This update was delayed for a bit as I wanted to solve the tmb bleed issue that was happening, but thankfully the latest update to Penumbra has actually fixed it.

Majority of abilities have had their color scheme changed. Red is now the primary color for most abilities, a dark smokey orange is used for fire abilities, and cyan/teal is used for the dragon themed abilities. Every single ability except for Shirk, PvP actions, and low level abilities (i.e. Edge of Darkness, Shadow Wall) have had their vfx and animations changed. Nothing about Dark Knight will feel the same.
Furthermore, this mod also changes the animations and vfx for Rampart, Provoke, Interject, Low Blow, and Arm's Length.

-Mod was created with Cammy's headbob on, so all actions are Cammy headbob friendly.
-Mod was also created with saturating shaders turned on, so they won't be overexposed if you use similar shaders.
-Not compatible for Lalafells and Roegadyn.
-This mod is compatible, and intended to be used with mods that change Enshroud. Living Dead causes your character to turn into the Enshroud form for a few moments. I personally use Dekken's Living Shadow Enshroud mod ( for this purpose.
-Blade of Honor (PLD 100 action) has had its vfx changed, so please disable The Draconic Knight if you aren't playing as DRK.

What is planned for the future:
-I plan on changing all the action icons to better suit the feel of the mod. Icons will be redrawn and colored to follow the color scheme of the vfx. For example, Disesteem will be colored cyan/teal and Carve and Spit will keep its green icon as they would match the action.
-Many actions will have their VFX tweaked, if you prefer the old look there will be toggles so you may pick and choose as you wish.
-Add Lalafell and Roegadyn compatibility.


Thank you again everyone for the support I was given, I can't wait to make more vfx mods in the future, and continue to support The Draconic Knight going forward



Primary File or Link:

[Dragoness] The Draconic Knight v1.0.1.pmp : [ via Direct Download ]

Other Files and Links:


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Last Version Update :
Wed Jan 15 2025 03:19:11 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Original Release Date :
Wed Dec 25 2024 20:59:03 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

Contributors :

Affects / Replaces :
All Dark Knight Abilities, Rampart, Provoke, Interject, Low Blow, Arm's Length, and Reprisal

Genders :

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