── .✦ This mod installs Elliesif's Hair Mashups Tangled and Higanbana over F Viera hairs 5 and 12 ── .✦ The hair should be weighted properly, if any issues arise let me know! ── .✦ Tangled does NOT have highlights, but Higanbana does ── .✦ These support earless Viera, they don't have any holes. ── .✦ Elliesif's Permissions supercede my own ── .✦ Any issues? You can find me in Peets Paradise: https://discord.gg/n5G5HqJD4A or contact me directly @Myhlosic
Primary File or Link:
【❖】 Elliesif's Hair Mashups to FViera.pmp : [ via Direct Download ]