I'll try to remember to repack all 3 options together later, but for now please us this individual file for Au Ra!
UPDATE 1.0.2: Added Miqo'te Female Option. Fixed some weird visual issues with the hair for Midlander
UPDATE 1.0.1: Added Au Ra Female option. Made both hair options hat compatible, they should not clip and will not break.
Anyone interested in a port of any of my mashups message me at touku.deviantart.com
A hair mashup for hair 156 for midlanders and Au Ra! This is my first attempt at a hair mashup, I worked really hard on it and thus far haven't found any issues. It does not break other races NOW 100% HAT FRIENDLY! I had to adjust the specular and normal for one of textures so hopefully that won't cause any issues, also altered some highlights.