[Gen3] RiderTHiCC Gen3 Bodies

Version: 1.3.3

  NSFW Body by reqrider

Contributor Information:

titanfirm for base bodies and meshes this was based from, Korbo for pubes designs and base, antarran, Blondie, Maela, SoloT4, Nymeru, Syl, for help and troubleshooting

Author's Comments:

This release contains the RiderTHiCC chest and leg sizes for Gen3 bodies. You will NEED to install a base Gen3 skin modpack first, such as Tight & Firm Gen3, Eve 2.0, and other ones with similar asymmetrical skin mapping. These are NOT compatible with Bibo-based ones, and do not ask me to make compatible ones.


Chests Sizes: (sized smallest to largest)
TF3L (Lowered Boobs) UNOFFICIAL version where nipples are angled forward instead of up (Normal Nipples only)
RT-M -RiderTHiCC -Modest (similar to TF2XL chest size) [This is the successor to Tight&Firm 2 XL, as I did the initial size for LiZZY before they refined it with Antarran and Titan's help]
RT-S -RiderThiCC -Standard (similar to CB3NV and NVThicc)
RT-X -RiderTHiCC -Xtra (similar to CB3-GTR and A-Spec)
RT-G -RiderTHiCC -Giga

Chest Positions
Normal -boobs point forward
"Perky" -boobs pointing upward
"Hangers" -boobs sag lower than Normal

Chest Nipple Types
NN -Normal Nipples
SN -Smaller Nipples
BN -Bigger Nipples
IN -Inverted Nipples
NNP -Normal Nipples Puffy
SNP -Smaller Nipples Puffy

Arm Sizes:
NA -Normal Arms (same as Tight & Firm 3)
TA -Thiccer Arms

Nipple Piercings (comes in 4 base colors as well)
Large Ring

Legs: Butt Sizes: (sized smallest to largest)
TF3L (Vanilla-sized Legs) -UNOFFICIAL legs version which has the butt at T&F3 Large size, legs widen to near vanilla -size (RT-Plump NormalLeg also uses this leg width)
RT-Plump -RiderTHiCC Plump, as TF2XL 2.4 sized butt and vanilla-sized legs instead of skinny legs [This is the successor to Tight&Firm 2 XL, as I did the initial size for LiZZY before they refined it with Antarran and Titan's help]
RT-Mega -RiderTHiCC Mega aka Megathicc
RT-Dayum -RiderTHiCC Dayum aka DAYUMthicc
RT-Ultra -RiderTHiCC Ultra

Legs: Leg Thickness:
NL -Normal Legs
TL -Thicker Legs

Legs: Pussy Type:
NP -Normal Pussy (same as Tight & Firm's)
PP -Puffy Pussy

Legs: Waist Add-ons:
These are waist parts that round off the waist portion:
BW -Back Waist, adds some waist at the back to round our the part between legs and chest (Has WAIST attribute so it hide when paired with chest pieces that hides Waist attributed parts)
FW -Full Waist, adds more than Back Waist, on the back, sides, and front
NW -No Waist, no additional waist parts added

Legs: Pubic Hair:
Pubic hair by Korbo, mapped to their own maps and with 20 styles (and None)

For SmallClothes, SmallClothes NPC, and Emperor's.

Please check pictures at link for comparisons with Tight & Firm 3, as well as sizes.

For SFW version, please click here: https://www.xivmodarchive.com/modid/76395

Please don't message requests for different sizes/variations.
Feel free to edit/port/scale to preference.

If you use my meshes as part of your mod, please credit me.
Do not re-upload this mod anywhere else.

If you need troubleshooting help, first check the NOTES+INSTRUCTIONS.txt file, or ask in your modding Discord(s) about the problem you are facing when installing this mod, before writing to me directly.

Thanks again to everyone that likes and supports my mods, and if you like this mod please donate to my Ko-Fi.

Primary File or Link:

Download : [ via bit.ly ]

Other Files and Links:


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Last Version Update :
Thu Aug 15 2024 22:55:34 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Original Release Date :
Thu Jul 01 2021 16:07:25 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

Contributors :

Affects / Replaces :
SmallClothes Body, SmallClothes Legs, The Emperor's New Robe, The Emperor's New Breeches

Genders :

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