Thank you to Kindred for modeling the Bibo+ Large leg examples for me ♥
This is a two piece, double layered dress made entirely from scratch by me! Inner layer is slightly smaller and opaque, while outer layer is bigger and sheer to give a light, spring look.
The set consists of a leotard that
has legs attached, and a skirt
that does not have legs attached. If you are using SFW bibo legs as your smallclothes/emperor's new gear, the underwear WILL clip with the legs attached to the leotard. Should go without saying but figured I'd mention that.
Wakfu leg size has attributes to ensure compatibility with knee high and shin high boots.
Materials are assigned to _bibo. You WILL need to update to Bibo+ 2.0 and follow the instructions/use the texture converter if you have not already done so in order to use this mod.
Sizes available in Bibo+:
Chest: Small, Medium, Large
Legs: Large, Wakfu
Skirt size is a one-size-fits-all that is fitted for clearance up to Wakfu.
That makes a total of 6 different combinations you can have by default.
Remains in tact on lalafell
1) The mesh and textures are entirely made from scratch. Do not redistribute or claim as your own. Do not port outside of XIV.
2) Do not use any of the assets for any paid content.
3) Any upscaled/downscaled variants that are posted MUST be posted FOR FREE and credited to me, with the link to the original in the description.
4) No NSFW lala.
5) You may add legs of whatever size you like to the skirt itself if you'd like to be able to wear the skirt alone.
My sister, Kindred, and I are new to modding and prioritize making everything from scratch. Like what we do? Join our discord (link in files), or follow us on twitter!