Author's Comments:
Another fun bonus to the Elpis Bouquet mod is a multi-color one!
In the file provided, there is a version that glows and one that doesn't so you can use whichever you fancy~!
I also included two folders, one with the Diffuse Files and the other with the Colorset Files so that you can freely change either of the Bouquets colors as you see fit!
If you'd like to change the colors please follow the instructions below-
For the NON-GLOWING file you will ONLY change the Diffuse texture!
-Open Textools
-Find the Road Sparrow Minion
-Should be on the TEXTURE tab
-Choose the Material [Second button on the top] you'd like to change
-Make sure you are on the DIFFUSE layer of your Material
-Click "Import" [Second button bottom left]
-Open the "Elpis Diffuse" folder
-Choose your color
For the GLOWING Bouquet, you MUST also change the COLORSET along with the Diffuse!!!
-Follow the instructions above!
-Once you choose your color and import it go to the TEXTURE MAP
-Click the drop-down arrow
-Click "Import"
-Open the "Elpis Colorsets" Folder
-Find the folder with the name of your chosen color
-Open and select the file within
-Press the "Save" button at the top right of the middle column
*This is optional but if you'd like to make sure that it's looking right you can double-check using the Models tab that the very top besides where it says texture's It should look very bright and colorful!!
If you run into any issues or need further explanation feel free to DM me on Twitter @BunNoelle!!
Otherwise please enjoy!!!!!
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