Call all you want, but there's no one home and you're not gonna reach my telephone! - (Lady Gaga)IMPORTANT NOTICE!! If you downloaded this mod prior to 3/21/2023, PLEASE REDOWNLOAD ASAP. There was an error in the mod pack that was not corrected until 3/21!The mod now includes TEN CASES which includes a rainbow of different colors to choose from! Bigger preview images will be up on my Tumblr and Ko-Fi!
"Dragoon Blue" Case. Added
"Crystalline Blue", "Carbuncle Blue", "Bahamut Blue", "Cactaur Green", "Chocobo Yellow", "Fat Cat Cutie Red", "Phoenix Orange", "Spriggan Purple", and
"Warrior of Darkness Black" cases!
Replaces - Wind-Up CursorThe mesh is original and entirely created by myself in Blender. The phone cases and lock screens were edited by me.
Support - ✨💙✨
If you end up using my prop, I would love to see it! My hashtag is
#NeamGalaxy! Like what you see? Interested in what I may create in the future? Here's everywhere I post my stuff! questions? ❔
You can contact me via Discord DameNeamhain#7380 or via Twitter @DameNeamhain
Permissions - 📖
⛔ DO NOT edit this work as a part of or base for another project/model that is behind a permanent paywall.
⛔ DO NOT use this work as a part of or base to a paid commission of any kind.
⛔ DO NOT re-upload or share the file; please give others the link to this post instead.
⛔ DO NOT use this for any content that includes NSFW Lalafell, NSFL/NSL, gore/guro, bestiality/zoophilia, QoS, or NSFW that includes minors real or imaginary (eg Shota/Loli/Cub or DDGL/ABDL).
✅ Do edit this for personal and public use.
✅ Do use this for any kind of public commission that is free.
✅ Only upload the above green checks to platforms/servers this work is also located at/in.
✅ Give me credit and recognition when using my work for the green checks above.
If you have read this far down, there is a
secret hidden on the lock screens. 😉