So here it is, the second installment of my Dragon Tamer series. This pack is centered around Hraesvelgr. Hraesvelgr would not be complete without the ice queen herself, Shiva, as Demi-Phoenix. Accompanying the loving pair is Shiva's Ice Soldier available for both Ifrit and Titan, Fenrir now made available for Titan (and Ifrit from a previous pack I did), and Mist Dragon as Garuda since I've been wanting to do Mist Dragon for sometime now, and it fits this pack's theme.
Also included in the pack is a weapon edit for Shiva's Diamond Grimoire and its variants to make into Hraesvelgr's Eye. I also added some pretty feathery VFX for the Hraesvelgr Jacket, which is a first for me. Of course, there are ability edits for all the usual Summoner abilities I've done before: Rites, Catastrophes, Astral Flows, Ruin III, Ruin IV, Tri-Disaster, Energy Drain, Energy Siphon, Fester, Painflare. As with my last Dragon Tamer mod, I also did a Limit Break 3 edit.
As usual, all the individual, separate mods are available for players to pick and choose what they want to download through the Google Drive Folder here: Demonstration, all summons depicted set to large: out my Kofi for a link to projects I'm currently working on: you want to send me images of you enjoying my stuff, I'll post them (with your permission and anonymously of course) to my Kofi album. My Discord DMs are always open! (Vulonsulin#8525) Knowing people are having fun makes all the work worth it!