🗲 Peace Flex 🗲 - Solo standing pose - Made with max height male Miqo, other races may need adjustements - Anamnesis pose 🗲 If you want to support my work, offer me a Coffee here: https://ko-fi.com/T6T85ZPGU 🗲 Feel free to tag me on instagram @thors.ffxiv or use #thorposes if you take a picture using my poses 🗲 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +Follow me on Instagram if you want 🗲@thors.ffxiv +Join the Lunar Discord for some exclusive poses i'll drop there sometimes: https://discord.gg/lunarffxiv -Please do not upload this to any discord or other website if it's not me doing it, don't claim it as your pose and do not use it as base for poses to claim as your own. Feel free to edit it as you like for PRIVATE use instead!