Thank you Sofie for your NPC Defined and Face Defined <3 Thank you 𝐊𝐲𝐥𝐢𝐞 for Hair Defined <3 Thank you ulli for Everyone Bites Illy Vanilla Bites <3 Thank you illydoesthings for IllyBites <3
Author's Comments:
I have quite a busy days right now, but i could not leave this sculpt unpublished for too long. This sculpt is based on Zero's face. Created especially for my friend's wedding. Hope you like it just as mush as i do!
💙 Face keeps the shape 💙 Light makeup 💙 Lip colour 💙 Face Paint 💙 Zero's eyeshadow x2 for darker effect 💙 Resized 💙 Matches base skin colour 💙 IllyBites!
💔 None of the face details work apart from those mentioned above. ( scar, extra brows, tattoos etc )
I did my best to fix all the seams but some may show up. I personally could not spot anything major, but please report any issues. ^^
If you have any suggestions, please contact me via Tumblr. Always happy to help, chat and fool around. ^^