[Mika] Casual Pose Pack #1

Version: 1.1

  Pose by Mikazuki

Author's Comments:

Poses made with varied inspirations in mind, all files are .pose, requires either anamnesis or brio, original pose images can be found on the gallery on patreon.

You may use the poses freely in your projects but please do not reupload them elsewhere.

If you like what i do and would like to make sure i can keep doing it, and get perks while doing so, you can support me at: https://www.patreon.com/Mikazuki0

Do join the discord if you have any questions, need any help or have any suggestions. https://discord.gg/64q6mCNQXh

Updates on future projects regularly posted on twitter: https://www.twitter.com/Morinashi

Primary File or Link:

Download : [ via patreon.com ]

Other Files and Links:


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👀 31.0K
💾 2.8K
📌 95

Last Version Update :
Tue Apr 02 2024 22:27:17 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Original Release Date :
Sun Jan 15 2023 00:47:59 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

Genders :
Tags :
7th, action, against, aiming, akame, amused, anamnesispose, ange, angelise, annoy, approach, archer, arm, arms, arzenal, assassin, back, bard, battle, beach, beaming, bebop, bed, beret, bikini, black, bloodlust, boom, bow, brs, byakuren, carefree, caster, cat, cheek, cheer, chest, chuckle, claw, code, combat, comfort, concern, confidence, consider, considering, cowboy, crazy, criminal, cross, crossed, curious, cute, dancer, deadly, defeat, depressed, desire, downer, dream, drunk, duel, duelist, eastern, elegant, entertained, esdeath, evil, examine, excitement, exercise, explosion, eyes, fate, faye, fight, finger, fingergun, fingers, flames, flexible, flushed, friendly, funny, ga, gasp, gate, geass, genki, giddy, glance, grin, gun, hand, hands, happy, hat, haze, heckle, hijiri, hip, hips, honkai, hunched, ikaruga, inebriated, inquire, interest, invitation, jog, joke, judging, jumping, kafka, kallen, kill, kneel, kozuki, kurisu, kyoko, lagoon, laugh, laying, lean, leaning, ledge, leone, licking, lionel, listening, lonely, longing, look, love, lust, madoka, mage, magi, magica, makise, march, meditation, medusa, meiko, meme, mika, military, ministrel, missing, misurugi, model, monk, mysterious, need, night, ninja, observing, off, over, peace, photo, photograph, playful, pmmm, pondering, pose, prayer, puella, pugilist, punk, question, rail, railing, raised, rejected, relaxed, relaxing, revy, rider, ridicule, rin, rogue, romance, sad, sakura, savage, serene, shoulder, showing, sign, sit, sitting, sleep, sleepy, smile, smirk, sofa, solo, somber, speechless, stadtfelt, stance, stand, star, stare, starewelcoming, stay, steins, stood up, stretch, sucking, sugoi, surprise, symbol, tease, teasing, think, thinking, thoughtful, to, touhou, troubadour, trouble, up, valentine, victory, vocaloid, wall, welcoming, wild, wink, worry, wow, yawn, you,

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