Ty Adore for the port! Made in blender by me, based on a drink on my venue's menu. https://escortlounge.carrd.co/#menu <- Feel free to check our menu! (Future menu updates to come)
Author's Comments:
The Carbuncle Delight is a sweet cocktail for the companion lovers, replaces Goobbue Sproutling! Originally designed as a type of 'float' drink, can be seen as either that or a milkshake! Feel free to use for anything excluding your rp venue menu, that's just for us~! Do not reupload my mod I'd love to see your pics! https://twitter.com/LotOBpose ♥ Look forward to seeing more from the Escort Lounge Drink Series in the future!!! ♥♥♥ My carrd -> https://eatthe-rich.carrd.co Adore who ported's Carrd -> https://adoreffxiv.carrd.co/
Primary File or Link:
Carbuncle Delight (Escort Lounge Drink Series).ttmp2 : [ via Direct Download ]