🌲"A Belly-Button-To-Butthole-Bonanza!"🌲
Frameworks for more freedom from belly button to butthole.
UPDATE 2.2:Now they should be much more uniform in nature and look better with light and colorful hair colors! Also fixed a number of other minor issues, and removed Vee.
Welcome "Paw"! A preview of things to come...
NOTE: The pubes themselves are not best for every hair color, but I did my best to try to make them a good medium for most. Some styles also work better with certain hair colors than others. You can also freely modify the textures themselves using penumbra to try to get them even more to your liking. The loose files are available in the files section as well as the UV layer.
I further endorse the usage of "Darker Pubes [BPF]" by
Solstice Tia:
https://www.xivmodarchive.com/modid/110736 if you still find them a little too light for you!
READ ME: This has been separated into two files:
The FRAMEWORK (Default Download) has everything that a body would need to work, but
does not contain any 3d models. If you're using a body that is BPF-supported, the framework is all you need.
The SAMPLES (Optional Download in Files) has a variety of 3d models with BPF already included.
The two are separated until more tools come out for modding so we can thoroughly test, but also to help cut down on file sizes a bit :)
PENUMBRA INSTRUCTIONS:Make sure that the Framework exists at a
higher priority than the body you're trying to use. (And the body you're trying to use has BPF compatibility!)
Priority example:
0: Bibo+
1: (BPF-Supported Body (Like Lavabod+, etc.))
2: BPF Framework3: Texture Mods
This WILL NOT replace any pubic hair material currently on your body. This mod is intended to serve as a future pubic hair framework for clothes modders that may want to include the option for extreme amounts of pubic hair. However, the sample includes a variety of bottoms for both Bibo+ and Freyja for Gen3 users.
Included Bottoms with the Sample:
Bibo+ A/B/C Large, Medium, Small.
Bibo+ A/B/C Vanilla
Bibo+ A/B/C Thiccer Plump
Freyja Gen3 Outie, Innie, Hidden, Puffy
Dawntrail Version:
Supports Hrothgar! Thank you to
bizu for the help making this work with Dawntrail and Hrothgars!
For this to work on clothes mods, the clothes themselves must have this framework attached to the mod. Please do not expect this to work with clothes mods that do not support this framework!
FOR MODDERS:Included in files list is a 7z that contains the raw pngs for the mod if you'd like to create textures!
This Framework installs a new material and textures (/mt_c0201b0001_betterpube.mtrl).
Gear mods (or body mods if porting) must use this material along with the meshes from provided models (or ports thereof to your target body) to provide functionality contained in this framework.Gear supporting BPF as of Dawntrail NEED to have BPF's Vertex Color 2 set to all-black!
Creation of clothes mods for any body type is allowed and encouraged!
Ports to other bodies is allowed and highly encouraged! We'd love to see more support for BPF!
Please use [BPF] as a tag for users finding compatible mods.Troubleshooting:
This mod is it's own bottom set, and comes with a variety of Bibo+ and a few Gen3 bottoms.
-If you have 'weird textures', double check that you have selected 3d model that supports your skin textures, and that this mod is the highest priority.
-Currently, this mod is not compatible with anything that does not support this framework. i.e. You need both the new material and meshes set up for the clothes/body or you don't get your big bushy pubes

-"When put with clothing, the pubes oddly blow with the wind"
This is a model error with the clothing mod. Modders need to make sure Vertex Color 2 is all black on the BPF plane!
Please DM for issues!