Seasons | ReShade Presets

Version: 1.0

  Reshade Preset by Elsie

Contributor Information:

Made for use with ReShade
Texture layers used in Presets are made in Procreate by me

Author's Comments:

Next new thing I wanted to try out was making my own ReShade presets, and here we are.

This pack includes 3 ReShade presets, created with gposing as intended area of use since they are a bit heavier on effects.
To turn on/off the layered textures, check/uncheck the StageDepth.fx effects.

This preset was created out of inspiration of wanting to have a tall-grass like effect.
The color palette is warm and intended to fit dry/hot areas in the game.
Comes with 2 tallgrass layer textures that are divided into what appears behind and before the character.

The behind layer has been tweaked to notice edges a bit and appear behind them (see example in preview pics), if you don't want this effect you can tweak it with the "Depth" setting on StageDepth.fx.

A very soft and pastel-based preset.
Comes with 2 layer textures; a flower frame, and flower petals scattered across background.

I wanted to make Ishgard feel more Winter:y, and the result was this very cold and frosty preset being made.
The color palette is cold and inteded to fit cold and dark areas the best, though it can make it look like winter almost everywhere in the game with the right conditions (Try it in Amh Araeng during dust storms for example)
Comes with 3 layer textures; snow behind, snow before, and a frosty frame.

For very bright areas or during bright daylight, I'd recommend turning off the "AdaptiveFog.fx" effect if it turns out too bright for your location.
The AdaptiveFog is applied to add a more heavy snow-like effect to background, so turning it off will however remove much of the winter-feel.

Please do not claim as your own or repost somewhere else, feel free to link to it instead!
If you use any of my presets as a base for your own, then please credit me in some way.
If you use any of my texture layers in your own preset, then please credit me in some way.
Do not use my stuff to make your own mod if you intend to paywall it.

Thank you!

Feel free to use #elsiemods on Twitter if you want me to see you using any of my stuff!

Primary File or Link:

Elsie - ReShade Collection : [ via Direct Download ]

Other Files and Links:


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Last Version Update :
Sun Jul 02 2023 16:43:52 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Original Release Date :
Sun Jul 02 2023 15:43:09 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

Affects / Replaces :

Genders :

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