Special Thanks to Pixillated and sSasha for being extra patient with my nooby questions on skill modding, and to ocealot for creating VFX Editor ^-^
Author's Comments:
"And amidst deepest despair, Light Everlasting."
Have you ever wanted a Hydaelyn-themed DRK? So did I! But no one made one for the longest time so I figured I'd try to learn and make it myself... and somehow I managed to make one after months to nearly a year of banging my head on a keyboard! \o/
Introducing the Dawnbringer mod! A Hydaelyn/Light-themed overhaul for the Dark Knight with animation, vfx and sfx edits to make you feel like a true Warrior of Light. :D
This is a free demo of what the mod has, containing several of the basic combo skills.
If you try the pack and happen to like it, I hope you'll consider supporting me and getting the full version on my ko-fi page. ^-^