Contributor Information:
Nylfae for Atramentum Luminis and Penumbra material editing updates.
Tzar for TBSE.
Otter for Penumbra and updates.
Author's Comments:
Proof of concept mod - please excuse the poor internal pathings and namings.
Changes Au'Ra materials' Specular Color for it to show in different hues and levels of brightness. Includes material A (vanilla, that load TBSE textures via Atramentum Luminis) and B (TBSE).
Effectively should change scale color, no matter what scales you're using - even custom ones - as long as they have a specular map.
Because of how specular colors work, effect will be more noticeable in Xaela than Raen (really, in scales whose diffuse is darker).
Compatible with Atramentum Luminis glowing tattoos. Brightness is set to the usual in 'secret' tattoos - only show up in the dark. Feel free to tweak the material to change this.
Uses TBSE materials as a base.
0. TBSE (required for vanilla too)
1. Atramentum Luminis (use any Skin Framework and check on the 'TBSE textures for ♂' option).
2. Material Specular Recolor
3. Glowing tattoo emissive textures. The path in File Redirections to point your glow texture to is just:
- chara/human/tbse_e.tex
for both TBSE and Vanilla.
If your glowing tattoo removes the recolor effect, delete the .mtrl files from the tattoo mod and only keep the .tex files.
If your glowing tattoo doesn't show up, make sure its .tex file is set in File Redirections to the path specified above.
You can change the colors in Penumbra through Advanced Editing > Materials > Specular Color.
No faces this time around because it would require repacking vanilla specular textures (TBSE obliterates it) and a bunch of tinkering with numbers because even then they don't dye the same as body materials. Consider it a 'maybe in the future' kind of thing, along with tails and a female version.
Do whatever with this tech as long as you don't paywall it, even temporarily.
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