Lupine Healers

Version: 1.1

Contributor Information:

Big thanks to Ocealot for their VFX editor and Goats for their quick launcher. Thanks to the Textools Github Group for making the mod possible. Ilmheg for the multiassist tool. Finally, a heartfelt thank you to my friend massimodragon for their permission to use their werewolf howl animation. This pack wouldn't be the same without it.

Author's Comments:

This pack consists of 4 small edits, one for each healer, themed around Fenrir.

White Mage - Replaces Liturgy of the Bell with Fenrir. All Areos, Dias, Glares, Stones, and Holies have replacement options as well in Fenrir's ice and moon theme. Pulse of Life has been edited as well to use Scholar's summoned weapon which has been replaced with Fenrir.

Scholar - Replaces Eos and Selene with two Fenrir options for large and small. Also replaces Seraph with a large Fenrir. Biolysis, All Broils, and Art of Wars have replacement options as well in Fenrir's Ice and Moon theme. Angel Feathers has also been edited with Fenrir replacing Scholar's summoned weapon.

Astrologian - Replaces Earthly Star with Fenrir. All Combusts, Malefics, and Gravities have replacement options as well in Fenrir's Ice and Moon theme. Astral Stasis has been edited as well to use Scholar's summoned weapon which has been replaced with Fenrir.

Sage - All Eukrasian Dosis, Dosis, and Dyskrasias have received Ice and Moon themed edits. Pulse of Life has been edited as well to use Scholar's summoned weapon which has been replaced with Fenrir.

Video Demonstration:

Update 1.1 - Patch 6.5 Update

Check out my Kofi for my screenshot gallery where I welcome player submitted screenshots of my mods. You can also become a subscriber and play test my next mod pack a week early:

I will frequently post videos of work I am current doing here:

I also have a discord dedicated to teaching about modding called Students of Baldesion.

Primary File or Link:

Google Drive Folder : [ via ]

Other Files and Links:


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👀 9.9K
💾 916
📌 20

Last Version Update :
Sun Nov 26 2023 07:41:32 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Original Release Date :
Sat Sep 30 2023 07:09:04 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

Contributors :

Affects / Replaces :
White Mage, Scholar, Astrologian, Sage, Eos, Selene, Seraph, Earthly Star, Liturgy of the Bell

Races :
Genders :

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