A tail within Bernhard van der Horst's tail pack was used as a visual reference for this sculpt.
Author's Comments:
A custom sculpted tail I made for all Au Ra. Replaces tail #3. Now compatible with Dawntrail.
More scale colors will be released as more scale mods get updated for 7.0 Not compatible with IVCS.
★ Known issues: May have funky stretching in more extreme poses. I will be updating the mod with adjusted weights as I notice issues. ★ Permissions: Feel free to edit, or make new things, just be sure to credit the original! ★ Feel free to tag me on twitter with the mod using #CalconCreates or @Oricalcon! ★ If you like what I've made, please feel free to throw me a ko-fi! https://ko-fi.com/oricalcon