Contributor Information:
So i ripped this from the Raigo mount, made if for humine types instead of equine types lol. then, of course gave it the CybAuRa aesthetics. Also, included the Cybertech back wing for the Xaela colors. have fun!
-updated for DT-
-not thoroughly tested, let me know if you find issues.-
Author's Comments:
Changes 3 items:
-Late Allagan Mask of Casting: purple version
-Late Allagan Mask of Aiming: blue version
-Allagan Choker of Aiming: purple version
>on a side note, took me a few testing the mod wondering why my glow didn't work,...then,...hit the visor toggle and boom! rofl, so,...that works too.
Honestly, im not sure what races and what not this does or doesn't work on, haven't tested any males or Hroths and Lalas so, dunno lol.
i am noticing a bit that move some with the neck that i didn't catch, minor if i ask me so, leavin this one alone now XD
Primary File or Link:
CybAuRa Raiga Tech Mask 2 versions + Cybertech Wing X edition_dt.ttmp2 : [ via
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