Contributor Information:
Thanks Tsar for TBSE
Thanks Mimi for TBSE Slim
Thanks Squishy for the shaders
This mod REQUIRES TBSE, or any body replacement mod compatible with its resource, to be used. This is mandatory.Want to support me ? Gain early access to Male & Female outfits on a monthly basis for only 2.5€ FOR THE FULL CONTENT on my ko-fi : can find all my socials and my projects here : mod was on Early Access during the month of November on my ko-fi.
Author's Comments:
Heyo !
Final Fantasy VII : Ever Crisis, such an amazing game, right? Finally we have some rips of it!
This is Cloud in his Battlefiend armor skin, the first armor skin available in Evercrisis.
This version of the outfit is dyable!
Katanas can be toggled off the top, if you plan on using the SAM Weapon included in this modpack !
The outfit & weapon replaces :
- Strife Top ( dyable )
- Bozjian Striker gloves ( dyable )
- Strife shoes
- High Steel Uchigatana ( main hand and off hand, use THIS weapon specifically, not a variant ! )
As usual, the outfit uses vertex paint for extra gloss on metal/leather parts.
The top will hide pants by default. This is the normal and expected behaviour.
I didn't find any major clipping but if you find any, please contact me.
Thanks to those who considered adopting the early access! Next release will be sunny robe Aerith, already available on ko-fi!
Enjoy !
- Heiwa
Primary File or Link:
Cloud Strife - Battlefiend Armor - FF7 EverCrisis - TBSE Slim_dt.ttmp2 : [ via
Direct Download ]
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