Tsar for TBSE eremm for TBSE Echo Romantic for the Petite chest size
Author's Comments:
Upscales the Gown of Eternal Innocence/Passion/Devotion to TBSE Echo! Made for both flat and petite chest sizes, with clearance for large bottoms. Did my best to minimize clipping but I'd go with skintight bottoms under this just in case. Works pretty well with C+ scaling (from what I've tested), bnuuy on the right is using C+ with wider waist/hips :)
Originally made before the final release of Echo, but may update with the new chest sizes in the future once the large chest is released. For now though, it is done! Echo was made by eremm, and the base body can be found here: https://www.xivmodarchive.com/modid/96009 Enjoy! PS: I have a kofi now! If you like the work I do it's always an option to show a little extra support. Totally optional <3 https://ko-fi.com/hexadecimal76170
Primary File or Link:
Gown of Eternal X for TBSE Echo 2.0 (Flat and Petite)_dt.ttmp2 : [ via Direct Download ]