Dedicated to Moonlight - Gshade / Reshade Preset Pack (Immerse Compatible)

Version: 1.0

  Reshade Preset by Elva

Author's Comments:

19/7/24 - UPDATED: these were so bright wtf i have fixed that.

Thank you very much for trying my presets out! This set contains 12 ethereal presets that have been designed with dramatic, low light areas in mind.

These have been made in Gshade with both free and paid IMMERSE shaders. If you are having any problems with them in Reshade, please let me know and I will do my best to pinpoint the issue.

I have made these presets in The Dead Ends dungeon and indoors in my house. I have used RTGI for these previews but no post processing. I recommend using them in low light, dull areas in game or indoors, try them anywhere you like! All extra effects toggles such ADOF and volumetric fogs have been toggled off to increase loading times, shaders that enhance colours and brightness (colourfulness, technicolour2) as well so you can edit those as needed manually.

Previews were taken in my house, housing lights on at 0, manual brightness set to the base 100.

These work outdoors, indoors and in the studio at varying times of the day and have been tested on a variety of skintones. Please turn off the ingame DOF and adjust the manual brightness as needed! I heavily encourage adjusting and playing around with the different shader toggles included depending on the mood for your photo!

Please note they will appear different according to the weather, time and location of your photo, some of these ones in particular are very bright and light!(Please adjust the in game brightness and lighting to suit!). I have included examples of my indoor lighting in the MEGA folder.

These come with unique textures too, please ensure they are installed in the: C:\Program Files (x86)\SquareEnix\FINAL FANTASY XIV - A Realm Reborn\game\gshade-shaders\Textures folder to use.
If using the latest GSHADE, the path is different to prevent loss with the update; gshade custom shaders > shaders. Same with custom textures; gshade custom shaders > textures. this has been added to the guide for new gshade users.

There are also some tips in the folder on using StageDepth shaders and installing immerse.

Presets included (cool, desaturated, bright, i cannot stress enough that a couple are very bright, adjust the bloom and lighting to suit!):
Blue Moon
Love's Light - alt version included
Playful Orbit - alt version included

Please note you must have immerse installed for Immerse functions, original shader toggles have been kept intact as another option! You can find Immerse here:

To use the Film Grain you will need to download Marty McFly's METEOR extra effects shaders (Free):

If you need ReVeil by Lord of Lunacy, here is the link:

All frame textures drawn by myself. Light leak textures are free to use from StoreyBook on DeviantArt, a couple of others are from freepik.

I have added some keybinds to my presets to easily toggle on and off.

Thank you once again! Please enjoy and if there is something amiss or you have a question, do not hesitate to reach out and I'll do my best to help

If you are that way inclined to use hashtags when posting pictures, #Elvashade or #Elvashaders will suffice! It brings me joy seeing people enjoy what I make!

(For full transparency the cover photo is using the Magnetic preset with tilt shift, meteor film grain, empahsis, RTGI and relight)

I am lax about this stuff. You can share these with friends, edit them for your personal use etc just don't upload as your own and don't sell them for monetary gain. If someone asks for them, you are free to share them or redirect to my page. I ask that people are honest if people ask what preset is used as it helps people find things easier.

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Last Version Update :
Sun Jan 07 2024 11:50:15 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Original Release Date :
Sun Jan 07 2024 11:46:41 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

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