A Cyberpunk Onepice Suit with Mantis Inspired Blades
Dyeable blades, nails, tubes on seperate coloursets (more info in modpack)
For the fullsuit version make sure to put on the Artisan Sandals to hide the Bibo Feet
➤ Name: Hanzo Dojo - xSam.Corp.Suitx
➤ Author: Hanzo
➤ Contributors: Aleks for YAB
➤ Fitted around YAB Medium Smooth Chest and Watermelon Crushers
➤ Mod Type: Top/Onepiece Suit
➤ Affects: Southern Seas Swimsuit
➤ Races & Genders: Midlander based Females
➤ Comments: Contains 3 Designs with 2 Options. More info in the modpack. Let me know if there's any issues in my support channel on my discord.
Perms - Check my discord
http://discord.gg/the-dojo#hanzodrip #hanzodojo on instagram/twitter ♥
-Going public 20th January-