This is a port of my All Saint's Raid Mechanics mod to the /dote emote, for those who missed the halloween event. There's a slight issue with some VFX durations that I for the life of me can't seem to figure out, but for the sake of getting this mod out before Valentine's, I'm going to leave the bug in. Thanks for your understanding.
Show your raider friends a symbol of true love by conjuring raid mechanics on them! This mod turns the effect of the /dote emote landing to a very convincing raid mechanic. Just target your Mare Synchronos-linked "victim" with /dote and watch them suffer (from the overwhelming amount of love you're showing them)! :)
More details in the All Saint's Raid Mechanics modpage, linked above. If there are any issues, feel free to let me know via the All Saint's Raid Mechanics preview video comments:
All effects are repurposed from in-game VFX, with minor changes here and there.