Bubble Bottoms - Generic Series

Version: 4.7.0

  Gear by P4TZY42

Contributor Information:

astrild for the Freyja Gen3 Body and everybody that has contributed to it.
Sel for the UNF Unified Body (Gen2) and everybody that has contributed to it.

Author's Comments:

The Bubble Bottoms - Generic Series aims to fit as many of the generic vanilla leg armors to a BBWVR2 styled lower body as possible. Those models are usually used for several ingame items that can be found and worn all through out your journey across Eorzea.

This is an ongoing project and will get updated in the future with more items added. Currently leg pieces from the currency exchange (for which no high quality refits are available) are being added, going from older to more recently added items.

My current go to lower body model is from the 'Freyja - Gen 3 Body' Replacement Mod by Astrild. (https://www.xivmodarchive.com/modid/31498)
It is inspired by the original Bubble Bottom WVR (2) Body by natyusha.

To hide certain parts of the items you can use the optional Visibility Addon (right now only on Penumbra): https://www.xivmodarchive.com/modid/95822

(all shared models are affected)

Full size preview image
Season 1: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Wm-Iw5G65Z5Jg2c9Zx5qA0ibfdAoiOio/view?usp=sharing
Season 2: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1oc8A6JE1MIyW3or-LBxupVfGvCaZ97cp/view?usp=sharing
Season 3: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1gOZ-ZE7OuWGeRR9YD78Bk5PiE9-2vs-6/view?usp=sharing
Season 4: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Vk6uj1uwdO5llAYVTlFrqH_oHD1kOfwF/view?usp=sharing
Preview from top-left to bottom-right

Season One (1.0.0 - 1.9.0):
- Linen Slops
- Linen Chausses
- Cotton Trousers
- Cotton Breeches
- Boarskin Subligar (Gen3)
- Demon Sarouel (Gen2 - Had this one done a while ago but never released)
- Woolen Sarouel
- Dhalmelskin Breeches (Gen 3)
- Toadskin Breeches (Gen 3)
- Archaeoskin Breeches DoW
- Boarskin Skirt (Gen 3)
- Goatskin Brais (Gen 3)
- Magician's Slops
- Deepmist Gaskins
- Dark Divinity Spjarrar
- Cotton Shepherd's Slops
- Brand New Skirt (Gen 3)
- Holy Rainbow Sarouel (Gen 3)
- Kirimu Brais (Gen 3)
- Qarn Breeches of War
- Gryphonskin Trousers
- Acolytes Skirt (Gen 3)
- Valentione Trousers
- Cavalry Trousers
- Noct Breeches (Gen 3)
- Infantry Skirt
- Battlemage's Breeches
- Evenstar Tights (Gen 3)
- Auroral Brais (Gen 3)
- Astrum Hose
- Daystar Breeches
- Adamantite Chain Hose
- Halonic Inquisitor's Trousers
- Brightlinen Hose
- Halonic Auditor's Brais
- Ghost Barque Skirt (Gen 3)
- Chimerical Felt Breeches
- Direwolf Cuisses
- Astral Silk Slops
- Deepmist Trousers
- Plain Long Skirt (Gen 3)
- Aurum Smalls (Gen 3)
- Asuran Haidate of Fending
- Asuran Haidate of Maiming/Scouting/Striking
- Asuran Haidate of Aiming (Gen 3)
- Nameless Hakama (Gen 3)
- The Forgiven's Breeches
- Demon Skirt (Gen 3)
- Bloodhempen Trousers (Gen 3)
- Gyuki Leather Trousers of Fending
- Gyuki Leather Trousers of Maiming
- Anemos Sarouel
- Ruby Cotton Gaskins (Gen 3)
- Cotton Kecks (Gen 3)
- Dravanian Longkilt of Fending (Gen 3)
- Dravanian Trousers
- True Linen Breeches of Maiming (Gen 3)
- True Linen Trousers
- True Linen Breeches of Aiming/Casting/Healing/Scouting
- True Linen Skirt of Fending (Gen 3)

Season Two (2.0.0 - 2.9.0):
- Sunburst Skirt (Gen 3)
- Sky Pirate's Gaskins
- Sky Pirate's Trousers
- Sky Pirate's Bottoms
- Sky Pirate's Halfslops (Gen 3)
- Dravanian Longkilt of Healing (Gen 3)
- Skallic Bottoms of Striking/Aiming (Gen 3)
- Skallic Bottoms of Healing (Gen 3)
- Neo-Ishgardian Bottoms (All except Striking; Gen 3)
- Neo-Ishgardian Bottoms of Striking (Gen 3)
- Wind Silk Bottoms
- Palaka Sarouel (Gen 3)
- Valkyrie's Trousers of Aiming/Scouting/Striking
- True Blue Trousers
- Republican Lioncloth (All variants, Gen 3)
- Republican Culottes (Removed the front flap, liked it more without)
- Atrociraptorskin Breeches
- Eikon Cloth Brais of Fending/Maiming
- Eikon Cloth Culottes (Gen 3)
- Carbonweave Slops (Gen 3)
- Viking Hose
- Bloodhempen Culottes (Gen 3)
- Hemiskin Brais (Gen 3)
- Hemiskin Trousers (Gen 3)
- Brightlinen Bottoms DoW (Gen 3)
- Yafaemi Chain Hose (Gen 3)
- Yafaemi Gaskins
- Yafaemi Brais
- Yafaemi Trousers
- Gaganaskin Chaps (Gen 3)
- Sky Rat Breeches (All variants, Gen 3)
- Lakeland Breeches of Fending
- Valerian Priest's Bottoms
- Xenobian Breeches
- Gliderskin Breeches of Fending
- Valerian Brawler's Bottoms (Gen 3)
- Valerian Archer's Bottoms
- Subjugator's Brais
- Serge Hose
- Royal Volunteer's Trousers of Aiming
- Filibuster's Trousers of Maiming
- Filibuster's Trousers of Aiming
- Filibuster's Trousers of Scouting
- Filibuster's Trousers of Casting/Healing
- Facet Bottoms of Maiming
- Facet Bottoms of Scouting (Gen 3)
- Facet Bottoms of Casting (Gen 3)
- Facet Trousers of Healing (Gen 3)
- Shire Pathfinder's Hose
- Shire Pankratiast's Hose
- Pixie Cotton Slops of Casting
- Gazelleskin Brais (Gen 3)
- Pixie Cotton Slops of Healing (Gen 3)
- Ala Mhigan Bottoms of Gathering (Gen 3)
- Ala Mhigan Bottoms of Crafting
- Ala Mhigan Bottoms of Striking
- Ala Mhigan Skirt of Aiming/Casting (Gen 3)
- Ala Mhigan Bottoms of Healing/Scouting (Gen 3)
- Ala Mhigan Bottoms of Fending/Maiming (Gen 3)
- Arhat Tsutsu-hakama (Gen 3)

Season Three (3.0.0 - 3.9.0):
- Arhat Hakama (Gen 3)
- Nomad's Breeches
- Skallic Trousers
- Skallic Sarouel
- Bonewicca Protector's Trousers (Gen 3)
- Bonewicca Skinner's Trousers
- Bonewicca Whisperer's Sarouel
- Rakshasa Hakama (Gen 3)
- Rakshasa Tsutsu-hakama of Fending
- Rakshasa Tsutsu-hakama of Casting
- Alliance Trousers
- Alliance Skirt (Gen 3)
- Alliance Bottoms
- Heirloom Trousers
- Professional's Trousers
- Professional's Breeches
- Ravel Keeper's Kecks
- Ravel Keeper's Slops (Gen 3)
- Dwarven Cotton Gaskins
- Warg Breeches (Gen 3)
- Warg Sarouel (Gen 3)
- Warg Tights
- Ktiseos Skirt
- Ktiseos Hose
- Ktiseos Trousers
- Paglth'an Bottoms (Gen 3)
- Paglth'an Hose (Gen 3)
- Paglth'an Breeches (Gen 3)
- Imperial Breeches (Gen 3)
- Imperial Longkilt (Gen 3)
- Imperial Bottoms
- Star Velvet Bottoms of Casting (Gen 3)
- Heirloom Gaskins
- Darbar Breeches
- Darbar Trousers
- Darbar Bottoms
- Troian Hose
- Troian Breeches
- Troian Longkilt (Gen 3)
- Torrent Tights
- Slipstream Breeches
- Hellfire Breeches (Gen 3)
- Hailstorm Bottoms
- Glade Slops
- Field Commander's Slops
- Lost Allagan Breeches
- Lost Allagan Pantaloons
- Lost Allagan Trousers
- Ryumyaku Jui (Gen 3)
- Ryumyaku Tsutsu-hakama (Gen 3)
- Scaevan Trousers of Aiming
- Scaevan Trousers of Casting
- Scaevan Trousers of Fending
- Scaevan Trousers of Striking (Gen 3)
- Deepshadow Breeches of Fending
- Deepshadow Bottoms
- Deepshadow Breeches of Aiming
- Deepshadow Breeches of Casting
- Ronkan Breeches
- Ronkan Trousers

Season Four:
Update 4.0.0
- Ronkan Tights
- Crystarium Hose
- Crystarium Breeches
- Crystarium Pantaloons
- Cryptlurker's Chausses
- Cryptlurker's Hose of Aiming
Update 4.1.0
- Cryptlurker's Hose of Fending
- Moonward Hose
- Moonward Gaskins (Gen 3)
- Moonward Breeches (Gen 3)
- Radiant's Cuisses
- Radiant's Hose of Aiming
Update 4.2.0
- Lunar Envoy's Trousers of Fending (Gen 3)
- Lunar Envoy's Trousers of Aiming (Gen 3)
- Lunar Envoy's Longkilt (Gen 3)
- Credendum Breeches
- Credendum Trousers
- Credendum Hose of Casting
Update 4.3.0
- Credendum Hose of Aiming
- Pajama Bottoms
- Shadowless Bottoms (Gen 3)
- Appointed Slacks
- Taoist's Slops
- Quan
Update 4.4.0
- Heavy Allagan Cuisses (Gen 3)
- Allagan Breeches
- Allagan Trousers (Gen 3)
- Crimson Breeches
- Fuma Hakama
- Ballad Sarouel
Update 4.5.0
- Gomphotherium Trousers
- Gomphotherium Brais
- Vanguard Brais
- Vanguard Breeches
- Vanguard Halfslops
- Ramie Slops
Update 4.6.0
- Zormor Sarouel (Gen 3)
- Zormor Bottoms (Gen 3)
- Thunderyards Silk Culottes (Gen 3)
- Neo Kingdom Brayettes
- Neo Kingdom Kecks (Gen 3)
- Neo Kingdom Breeches
Update 4.7.0
- Quetzalli Brais
- Quetzalli Breeches
- Quetzalli Hose
- Archeo Kingdom Poleyns
- Everseeker's Kecks (Gen 3)
- Everseeker's Slops

OPTIONS - The skirt parts of most longskirts, kilts, jui, hakama and some leg covering parts can be hidden via meta-data edits of the visible parts or through the optional visibility addon: https://www.xivmodarchive.com/modid/95822

To be continued...

Items marked as 'Gen3' actually require TnF3 compatible textures as they show parts of the characters skin.

Items marked as 'Gen2' use the UNF Unified Body and require BBWVR2 compatible textures to display the skin correctly, those textures are usually included in the Gen3 Body Replacement Mods.

Beware that all BBWVR2-like lower body items may clip through upper body items that have parts covering the lower body, like dresses, robes, tunics etc. that are not optimized for working with Bubble Bottoms.

Feel free to contact me via discord for feedback and bug-reports.

Primary File or Link:

BB_Generic_Series.ttmp2 : [ via Direct Download ]

Other Files and Links:


loading spinner Loading Mod History...

👀 338.5K
💾 66.8K
📌 1.9K

Last Version Update :
Fri Jan 03 2025 20:38:44 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Original Release Date :
Sun Jul 25 2021 15:24:44 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

Contributors :

Affects / Replaces :
Various Leg Items

Genders :

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