Much of the mod has been overhauled, particularly improving the general-use colourset and the way it dyes, and a rather glaring issue with the Raen version has been fixed.
The horns of the Steps of Faith boss, Vishap, ported to every version of the Asuran Hachigane, found in the Forgotten Knight in Ishgard and upgraded in Idyllshire. The mod includes custom coloursets to make the horns match both Raen and Xaela clans, as well as a generic black. All can be dyed when upgraded.
I realize that some may be bothered by the mod replacing the Hachigane instead of something easier to get, but they were chosen for multiple reasons. Not only will the original items still look good to those without the mod, but they also let me make unique versions of the model for every character to make porting easier. You can also easily preview the item in-game to decide if you want to use them. They're just 35 Centurio seals anyway, so one weekly hunt can get you two, almost three of them.
All assets for the mod are included externally, including all models and additional texture files in case they're needed for ports.
Fair warning, it's a big file.▫
Download: you liked this mod, support would be appreciated! is the last time I'll upload this, I swear. Sorry for all the spam.