[Outfits]Order & Chaos Uranus Conv

Version: 1.0

Contributor Information:

Bodybase: Illy Does Things, Tsar and BIZU for Bibo+
Body-Addon: Kräuter Small by Remin
TP Port
Esstar for the conversion commission

Author's Comments:

Replace: Replace Eastern Lady Errant's Coat, Skirt, Gloves
Amaurotine Choker and Earring

Order & Chaos Uranus size conversion, thanks Esstar for the conversion commission
(The preview image in ttmp still smallbust version because i lazy for take preview image in ttmp recently forive me QwQ)

Since this is conversion of my own mods you don't need to download original mods to make it wors but if you interested on the version
that usingn my own body size (KrauterXS), this is the small bust version Order and Chaos:

Require Bibo+ 2.0 or later version:

-Every parts dyeable, earring necklace maybe need dye in CMtool / Anamnesis, not sure if it could dye ingame.
-Skirt have clips xD

My Link:
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/kiwiforma
Gumroad: https://app.gumroad.com/kiwiforma
Studio Aleewi Discord (Host as Studio Owner and My Modding corner): https://discord.gg/6QrmtBDbyd
Foxhole (Host as pose maker): https://discord.gg/zg8hwQdxjj
Ko-Fi (Donate purpose only): https://ko-fi.com/kiwiforma1089

◽ My mashup mods, and ported mods are allow to convert to other base items or body sizes. Just DM me in advanced i would like to know that you interested, and of cause have me in credits at the results.
◽ You may use any parts of my Mods , and any resources I’ve made, for any publicly released mod, including public commissions. again just DM me in advanced and have me in credits at the results.
◽ However any NSFW purpose or lewd edit on Lalafells mods are automatically NO. (NSFW edits for talls are fine.)
◽ Do not re-upload or host my mod files anywhere. You may share my link instead.

Primary File or Link:

Download : [ via patreon.com ]

Other Files and Links:


loading spinner Loading Mod History...

👀 14.8K
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📌 21

Last Version Update :
Sat May 21 2022 13:02:20 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Original Release Date :
Sat May 21 2022 12:58:55 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

Affects / Replaces :
Eastern Lady Errant's Coat, Skirt, Gloves

Genders :

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