Author's Comments:
~Known Issues~
Pube layer clipping
Au Ra Bra Free XS uses wrong model
Wrong shin sizes on some models
Nails not showing on some models
I will look into fixing these as soon as I can.
✦ A rig of the Lithe+ edit of Bibo+. This adds bones to your body parts for additional posing and animations capacities.
✦ Please note that if an animation is not made for Bibo+ or Lithe+, even if it is made for IVCS, there may be clipping due to the different proportions between female bodies.
✦ In order to use this mod, you first need to install several others, in this order: (with priorities for Penumbra users)
✦ Prio 0 Bibo+:✦ Prio 1 [IVCS] Illusio Vitae Custom Skeleton Base V1.1:✦ Prio 2 [IVCS] Unique Racial Bodies Base:✦ Prio 3 [IVCS] Lithe+
✦ Please take the time to read the IVCS guide.
✦ This mod requires Bibo+ textures for each race, or your body parts will not appear.
✦ It also requires you to enable metadata in Racial Bodies for each IVCS body part you use, or they will appear stretched.
✦ You can mix and match between IVCS-enabled and non-IVCS enabled body parts by turning ON the metadata in Racial Bodies for IVCS mods, and OFF for non-IVCS.
✦ Optional smoother textures are available in Cultist's [IVCS] Bibo+ edit.✦ They may look better in "gape" type shots.
Chest Sizes:
✦ Extra Small
✦ Small
✦ Medium
✦ Large
Chest Shapes:
✦ Default
✦ Bra Free
✦ Almond
Hip Sizes:
✦ Large
✦ Vanilla
Thigh Shapes:
✦ Default
✦ Plum
Shin shapes:
✦ Bibo size
✦ Lithe size
Hands and Feet:
✦ Bibo size
✦ Lithe size
False Nails:
✦ Bibo size
✦ Lithe size
✦ SFW options will come in a future update
You can contact me on my socials or Discord
✦✦ Discord ID: lefbot
✦ I am also active in the Hex server
~Change Log~
1.0.6 - Issue where False Nails on races other than Midlander were broken should now be fixed.