A space goat race conversion for female Viera only, with default, light and corrupted options.
Replaces Viera faces, ears, eyes and skin; as well as the Wolfliege Thighboots and Reindeer Hooves.
Entirely remade for Dawntrail, no longer requires Atramentum Luminis.
However, any skeleton including IVCS tail bones is required. IVCS2, YAS, Skelomae and Nofflebones will all work.
To use the Yiggle options of the Wolfliege Thighboots you need YAS specifically as they are intended to be used with YAS enabled leg mods.
Please note that YAB and Lavabod+ have significantly changed and you may see a seam when using the Wolfliege Thighboots with very old YAB/LB+ mods, even with the correct sizes selected.
You will need an animation mod that includes tail animations for female Viera, or the tail will be stiff in game. For example you can use Akasha's Miqo'te Emotes for Viera: