All Gen Body Freckles [Gen3, Bibo+, Gen2]

Version: 2

  NSFW Skin by almaden

Contributor Information:

Author's Comments:

𝐁𝐈𝐆 𝐔𝐏𝐃𝐀𝐓𝐄! :cutepaw: :cutepaw:
Now fully compatible across all tall female body mods (Gen 3, Bibo+, and Gen 2/vanilla). Mix and match clothing mods to your heart's content without disappearing freckles or unsightly seams!

These asymmetrical freckles have plenty of variation in size, shape, flow, opacity, and spacing. They are scattered over areas of the body that are commonly hit by the sun, and fade into the areas that are typically paler, giving a natural and authentic-feeling freckle layout. Darker freckles/moles are sprinkled here and there to complete a charmingly realistic look that plays to the strengths of FFXIV's artstyle.

✤ Bibo-based installer uses the Default Soft Fingers skin
✤ Tight&Firm Gen3-based installer uses Larger Areola skin
✤ All files are 4k
✤ Vanilla scales & scaleless options for Au Ra
✤ Dark freckles option for dark skin tones
✤ Mod resources available for customization, applying own scales/tattoos/etc
:sparklestar:🆕 - Bibo+ Trans Redux compatibility add-on by Canopus! Get it here:

If you prefer the old freckles, I've left those files in the downloads under "Legacy Freckles 2." imo they are more suited for Gen3 bodies, but I also provided baked Bibo+ compatibility files. Be aware there may be some seams when mixing TnF with Bibo with the old ones. Support is discontinued for all legacy versions.

Paid content made using this mod and/or these assets must be publicly released after 3 weeks.
Privately-made content is yours to do with as you like. This is an asset you can use with other skin mods/projects.


📋 Permissions :
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Primary File or Link:

✤ DOWNLOAD ✤ : [ via ]

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👀 147.5K
💾 --
📌 606

Last Version Update :
Tue Mar 15 2022 20:27:48 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Original Release Date :
Sat Aug 28 2021 10:19:02 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

Contributors :

Affects / Replaces :
any tall female skin diffuse

Genders :

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